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Active School

Scoil Ghníomhach

Tá an scoil cláraithe mar bhall den mBrat Gníomhach do scoileanna. Is brat é a thugann aitheantas don aclaíocht agus spórt i scoileanna. Beidh muid ag déanamh iarracht ar gcéad brat gníomhach a bhaint amach i mbliana. Tá coiste curtha le chéile chun an obair seo a dhéanamh agus chun comhordnú a dhéanamh ar na gníomhachtaí go léir a bhíonn ar siúl ag an scoil. Feachtas scoile iomlán atá i gceist agus beidh na páistí go léir gníomhach ann. Is deis iontach é seo aitheantas a thabhairt don spórt sa scoil.


What is an Active School?

The Active School Flag (ASF) is awarded to schools that strive to achieve a physically educated and physically active school community. The process aims to get more schools, more active, more often.

After a very busy and Active year Murroe School were awarded the Their First Active Flag in June 2018.

In June 2021 Murroe Ns were Awared their Second Active School Flag. We are Very proud of all our students who made a big effort to work extra hard and stay Active at home during Lockdown.


Murroe NS - PE plan and Policy

Murroe NS has two daily breaks, 11:00am-11:10pm and 12:30pm-1:00pm where we encourage the students to be as active as possible. Throughout the week we also have a number of "busy breaks" and "rainy day breaks" as needed. Each class recieves 60 minutes of PE per week (Sometimes more). Throughout the school year we have visiting teachers and coaches for activites and also take part in local sporting games and competitions.

As part of our PE lesson we have incorporated the "Move well, Move often" programme where we focus on a skill in PE. Each year we also select a specific strand where more time and focus is given to help further develop it.

Prioritised PE Strand

2020/2021 - Games- Back to basics to help incorporate the Move well, Move often Programme and the fundamentals movements into our PE lessons.

2021/2022 - Dance -Partnered with local clubs in the area. Alison Quigley School of Dance. Whole school preformed Jerusalema Dance challenge. Senior room learnt a set dance which they preformed at their school play.

2022/2023 - Athletics- Invited external Athletics coach for an 8 week block. Focused on many units in the strand in preparation for upcoming Sports hall & Outdoor athletics Competition. Teacher completed CPD in athletics. Equipment available for students to practice skills during breaks- Speed bounce, High jump, long jump etc.

2023/2024 - Outdoor & Adventure- Whole school will take part in outdoor nature walks and trails in the local area. Tours to Glenveagh national park for each class to complete guided nature walks. Junior/Middle Room tour to Ards Forest park to complete a Nature adventure with Aongus. 3rd – 6th class to complete “Cycle Right” four week training programme. Cycle Action day to be hosted in May along with the Green school for “Bike Week”. The local scouts club will visit the school to complete and number of outdoor and adventure workshops with the students.


An coiste Gníomhach

Meet our Active School Committee 2023/2024

The active commitee will be making sure we all stay active this year again.


Student Questionnaires- March 2024

The Active Committe sent out Questionnaires to all the students gmail accounts this morning. All were completed and submitted. Our Senior Leaders helped the junior room complete their questionnaires by taking them one by one. Well done for taking the time to do this. We look forward to our next meeting after Easter to go through and discuss the findings. We will update the page with our findings.

Over all the results were very positive and the committee got lots of feedback on what the school could do to make PE Better, Yard time better and how we can make Active week better.

The Parents Questionnaires was also sent via Google forms to all parents. The committe also viewd and made note of the findings.

One of many Busy Meetings our Committee had during the year. Lots of planning and decisions made.

December 2023

Some of the Active School Committee members did a big end of year sports shed clean out and equipment stock take. Great work girls!


Active School Slogan Competiton

As part of the Active flag process the school ran another Active school slogan competition with the help of the committee. Each student in the school took part in the competition. We were Lucky to have one of our Previous Winner Aisling Mc Fadden on work experience in the school and she selected 10 finalists. The Winner was then selected by a vote. Well done to everyone who made the final 10. Our winner was Liam Hanlon, and runner up Aibhlinn Gallagher.

The Winning slogan .

"Turn off the Port and Head to the court"


"What Club Are you in?"

The senior committe members carried out a "What club are you in?" survey in the school . The findings of the survey is displayed on our Active school board. It was great to see how active our students are outside of school! Maith Sibh!



Phyiscal Education


A Selection of games and activities from the MWMO programme. This programme helps to develop the students motor skills and is a big part of our weekly PE timetable.

Damhsa-Dance January 2024

We all Enjoyed our Block Session with Rinka for Dance. A great way to start the new year.


Lá Glas- Shamrock Challange- March 

Our students learned the Haka Gaelach as part of Seachtain na Gaeilge and they did a whole school performance in the yard lead by one of our Great Leaders Sarah Jane. Maith sibh.


Outdoor and Adventure 

Bike Week- Action Day 13th May 2024

Information in our "partnerships" section and photos in Gallery.


Cycyle Right Traning Feb/March 2024

The students from 3rd-6th class completed 4 weeks of training from Fergus and Gemma as part of the cycle right programme. The students were taught bike safety, bike check skills and completed a number of activities before embarking on their road cycle. All Students passed the course and recieved their certs.

** Lots of Pictures in the Gallery.

Ards Forest Part- October 2023

The Junior room joined Aengus in Ards Forest Park today for a Nature walk and to explre the forest. They searched for specail leaves and flowers along their walk to make crowns. They also Built little house for the mice.

** Lots more to see in the Gallery.

Scavenger Hunts and woodland walks in Glenveagh National Park-November 2023 

The Junior room had a great day out in Glenveagh learning about nature and doing some scavenger hunts through the woods.

** Lots more pictures in the Gallery.



Peil Gaelach/ G.A.A

September/October 2023

We were very lucky to have coach John Ward back with us again this year to help us develop our GAA skills. We had lots of fun.


November/December 2023

We were very Lucky to have Laura from Basket ball Ireland give us a 6 week block coaching session. Some American Basketball players here on scholarship also came to help.

The students had great fun learning new basketball skills this term.

**Lots more pictures in the Gallery


Gleacaíocht - 'Bounce' Gymnastics 

January 2024

** More pictures in Gallery

The students of Murroe NS were very lucky to have the wonderful Eibhlinn from "Rinka" back again to teach them gymnastics skills. Eibhlinn spent time team teaching with the classroom teachers. Together they taught the students lots of rolls, stretches and other skills. It was a great oppertunity for the students to explore a new activity and a great learning oppertunity for the teachers also.


Snámh- Aquatics

Term 3- 2024

Students from junior infants to 6th class completed their 6 week block of swimming lessons. Well done to all the students.


Term 3- 2023

All of the students completed a 7 week block of swimming lessons this term. The students were all tested in their final week, with everyone progressing to the next stage. Our senior students were also taught life saving skills. Well done to all our students on their hard work!

Paws Water Safety 2023

The junior and senior room completed their PAWS water safety courses as part of Active Week. Well done everyone.



 April 2023

The students had a fun 6 weeks of Athletics again this year. We did alot of work on the fundamental skill of Running and jumping We have some very fast runners in Murroe. Well done everyone.




We had a great day in Murroe for our Action day where we had bike workshops for the junior room and the senior classes embarked on a 7km cycle with the assitance and support from a number of parents and the local Garda who helped with traffic safety. The senior students were able to put their Cycle Right training into action and did amazing on their cycle.

** Lots more photos in the gallery.


**Dance Take over Challenge 3rd May 2024**

We had lots of Fun for the Dance Take over day. The committee created a list of Dances that everyone could follow along for the morning and in the afternoon we had a Dance off Circle which proved to be lots of fun for both students and staff.

**Check out all the moves in the gallery.

Cumann na mbunscoile Blitz Dowings May 2024

Students from 4th - 5th class.

Donegal County Council & Finn Harps April 2024

One of our talented Students won 1st place in the Donegal Road safety Art competition. Aibhlinn won 20 soccer balls, 40 bibs and a set of cones for the school. The active comittee and students were delighted. As part of her prize, the Sponsors Finn Harps Football club invited the whole school to attend a home match. The students had a great evening and even got the oppertunity to become mascots for the team on the night.

** Pictures in Gallery.

Comortas Lúthchleasaíocht - Donegal Sportshall Athletics 2024

13 students from 3rd-6th class participated in the Sportshall athletics competition in the Aura in Letterkenny. The students have spent a number of weeks training hard for this day and all their hard work paid off when they placed 4th overall. We are all very proud of our amazing students. Maith sibh!

**More pictures available in the gallery.

We were very lucky to have the oppertunity to have a traditional rope making working shop as part of this years Creative Clusters. The children were able to make 4 small skipping rope and 1 big extra long one. We will have lots of fun using these. 

**More pictures in Gallery.

Dunfanaghy Youths Football Soccer Blitz January 2024

Dunfanaghy Youth FC invited all of the local schools down to their lovely grounds for a Soccer Blitz. They students all had a great day.

Cumann na mbunscol Blitz Downings 2023

Well Done to our Boys and Girls who participated in the Blitz in Downings.

Donegal Cross Country Competition September 2023

A Big Congratulations to our runners who attend our First ever Cross Crountry Competition in Downings. Our Girls won in the Best girls team in the Small school section and two of our runners won in their gategory. They now progress to the county final. Maith sibh. All the hard work and training in our Athletics is starting to show.


The school took part in the Aldi sticker collection to get Rugby equipment for the school. We collected lots and filled two bug sheets. We can wait to use our new Rugby equipment this year.

Cumann na mBunscol  GAA 2023


Comortas Lúthchleasaíocht - Donegal Sportshall Athletics 2023

The students from 3rd-6th class competed in the Donegal Sportshall Athletics held in the Aura. They all put in a great performance!

 The Active school committee launched our "Active School Walkway" on April 23rd 2018. Get Ireland Walking has partnered with Active School Flag to help promote physical activity in the School environment. We plan on doing lots of walking here in Murroe around our lovely walkway.


Gníomhaíochtaí coirp

Physical Activity

Run to Paris/4 week active Break challenge April- May 2024

All Classes were busy for the four week Active break challenge that we completed as part as the "Run to Paris" olympic challenge. The students really enjoyed the varity of activities.

Run Around Europe Running Initiative  2024

This Running Challenge was a huge Success for the school this year. The senior classes used a local lane for their Daily morning laps due to site works on the school grounds. The students all pushed themselves trying to get more links each week and beat their PB. 

**Lots of Photos in the Gallery of all the fun we had over the 4 weeks.

"12 Days Of Fitness" Christmas Fun 2023


**Play Ground Games 2023** 

The Active School Committee began Play Ground Games again this year .

Every Wednesday, with the help of our Active School leaders the students play a different yard game during big break. The students are divided into three groups and their playground leader selects a game from the large selection of games on the Active school board. This gives the students a great oppertunity to mix with other students and also play some new games.


Skipping Challenges May 2023

Lots of Fun on yard today for our skipping challenges. We have some great Skippers here in Murroe and many improving every week. Well done.

**FUN Fridays**

Fun Friday is a monthly or weekly(if the weather is good) event that the Active committe look after. Each Friday they agree on something fun for the students. Things like Music and dancing on the yard, parachute games, simple playground games, group skipping activites among many more ideas.


**Briseadh Gafa sa rang**

**Busy Breaks**

As an Active school we engage in Bizzy Breaks activities for ten minutes every day in class. On rainy days the Active School Committee use the Bizzy Breaks, Rainy Days resource or Just Dance videos to direct the pupils in physical activity during lunchtime.


**Active Lines** 

The Active school committee memebers have been running "Active lines" after each break. Instead of standing still, the students must complete a quick activity before they return to their classroom. A memeber of the committe selects the daily activity and ensures everyone is taking part.


**Workout Wednesday**

Some members of the Active school committee decided to start a "Workout Wednesday" this month. They plan on setting up circuits to encourage the students to complete a short workout during big break. Each week they hope to introduce new exercises and activites to their circuit routine. 

Their first Workout Wednesday was a great success and the students that took part really enjoyed it.

**Easter Egg Active Hunt 2023**


**Easter Fun- Crack the Code and Free the Eggs! **

The Active school committe organised a fun and active egg hunt with a twist. The students worked as a team to solve riddles, answer tricky questions, complete active exercises and find secret letters. Each group needed to find the secret letters to crack the code to free their Easter Eggs. We all had lots of fun!


Seachtain Ghníomhach Scoile 

Active Week 

Lots of Pictures in the Gallery of all our fun activities.



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